drag - определение. Что такое drag
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Что (кто) такое drag - определение

Drag (computer); Drag (disambiguation); The Drag (disambiguation); Drag (album); The Drag
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·vi To fish with a dragnet.
II. Drag ·noun A confection; a comfit; a drug.
III. Drag ·vt A heavy harrow, for breaking up ground.
IV. Drag ·vi To serve as a clog or hindrance; to hold back.
V. Drag ·vt The act of dragging; anything which is dragged.
VI. Drag ·vt A heavy coach with seats on top; also, a heavy carriage.
VII. Drag ·vt Motion affected with slowness and difficulty, as if clogged.
VIII. Drag ·vt A steel instrument for completing the dressing of soft stone.
IX. Drag ·vt The bottom part of a flask or mold, the upper part being the cope.
X. Drag ·vt Also, a skid or shoe, for retarding the motion of a carriage wheel.
XI. Drag ·vt Hence, anything that retards; a clog; an obstacle to progress or enjoyment.
XII. Drag ·vt To draw along, as something burdensome; hence, to pass in pain or with difficulty.
XIII. Drag ·vi To move onward heavily, laboriously, or slowly; to advance with weary effort; to go on lingeringly.
XIV. Drag ·vt A kind of sledge for conveying heavy bodies; also, a kind of low car or handcart; as, a stone drag.
XV. Drag ·vt A net, or an apparatus, to be drawn along the bottom under water, as in fishing, searching for drowned persons, ·etc.
XVI. Drag ·vt Anything towed in the water to retard a ship's progress, or to keep her head up to the wind; ·esp., a canvas bag with a hooped mouth, so used. ·see Drag sail (below).
XVII. Drag ·vi To be drawn along, as a rope or dress, on the ground; to Trail; to be moved onward along the ground, or along the bottom of the sea, as an anchor that does not hold.
XVIII. Drag ·vt To break, as land, by drawing a drag or harrow over it; to Harrow; to draw a drag along the bottom of, as a stream or other water; hence, to search, as by means of a drag.
XIX. Drag ·vt The difference between the speed of a screw steamer under sail and that of the screw when the ship outruns the screw; or between the propulsive effects of the different floats of a paddle wheel. ·see Citation under Drag, ·vi, 3.
XX. Drag ·vt To draw slowly or heavily onward; to pull along the ground by main force; to Haul; to Trail;
- applied to drawing heavy or resisting bodies or those inapt for drawing, with labor, along the ground or other surface; as, to drag stone or timber; to drag a net in fishing.
I. v. a.
Draw, pull, haul, tug, draw heavily and slowly.
II. v. n.
Trail, be drawn along.
Linger, move slowly, make slow progress.
(drags, dragging, dragged)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
If you drag something, you pull it along the ground, often with difficulty.
He got up and dragged his chair towards the table.
VERB: V n prep/adv
To drag a computer image means to use the mouse to move the position of the image on the screen, or to change its size or shape. (COMPUTING)
Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size.
If someone drags you somewhere, they pull you there, or force you to go there by physically threatening you.
The vigilantes dragged the men out of the vehicles...
VERB: V n prep/adv
If someone drags you somewhere you do not want to go, they make you go there.
When you can drag him away from his work, he can also be a devoted father...
VERB: V n adv/prep
If you say that you drag yourself somewhere, you are emphasizing that you have to make a very great effort to go there.
I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly.
VERB: V pron-refl adv/prep [emphasis]
If you drag your foot or your leg behind you, you walk with great difficulty because you foot or leg is injured in some way.
He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him...
VERB: V n prep
If the police drag a river or lake, they pull nets or hooks across the bottom of it in order to look for something.
Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common.
If a period of time or an event drags, it is very boring and seems to last a long time.
The minutes dragged past...
The pacing was uneven, and the early second act dragged.
VERB: V adv, V
If something is a drag on the development or progress of something, it slows it down or makes it more difficult.
Spending cuts will put a drag on growth.
N-SING: a N on n
If you say that something is a drag, you mean that it is unpleasant or very dull. (INFORMAL)
N-SING: a N, oft N to-inf [disapproval]
If you take a drag on a cigarette or pipe that you are smoking, you take in air through it. (INFORMAL)
N-COUNT: oft N on n
Drag is the wearing of women's clothes by a male entertainer.
N-UNCOUNT: oft N n
If a man is in drag, he is wearing women's clothes.
The band dressed up in drag.
PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR
If you drag your feet or drag your heels, you delay doing something or do it very slowly because you do not want to do it.
The government, he claimed, was dragging its feet.
PHRASE: V inflects
1) to take a drag (on a cigarette)
2) a drag on (a drag on the economy)
3) the main drag
women's clothing worn by a male transvestite
4) in drag
5) (misc.) a drag queen
1) (d; intr.) ('to search at the bottom of a lake, river, sea') to drag for (to drag for a body)
2) (D; tr.) ('to search') to drag for (they dragged the lake for the body)
3) (d; tr.) ('to pull') to drag into (they dragged the tables into the garden; to be dragged into a war)
4) (d; intr.) ('to draw deeply') to drag on (to drag on a pipe)
5) (d; tr.) ('to pull') to drag out of (we dragged the old sofa out of the house)
6) (D; tr.) ('to pull') to drag through (they dragged the logs through the forest)
7) (D; tr.) ('to pull') to drag (over) to (they dragged him to the door)
The pull exercised by a magnetic field upon a conductor moving through it or upon the motion of an armature in it.
¦ verb (drags, dragging, dragged)
1. pull along forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty.
take (someone) somewhere, despite their reluctance.
move (an image) across a computer screen using a mouse.
2. trail along the ground.
search the bottom of (a body of water) with grapnels or nets.
3. (drag something up) informal deliberately mention something unwelcome.
4. (of time) pass slowly and tediously.
(drag something out) protract something unnecessarily.
5. (drag on) informal inhale the smoke from (a cigarette).
6. (drag someone up) Brit. dated bring up a child badly.
¦ noun
1. the action of dragging.
2. the longitudinal retarding force exerted by air or other fluid surrounding a moving object.
3. informal a boring or tiresome person or thing.
4. informal an act of inhaling smoke from a cigarette.
5. women's clothing worn by a man: men in drag.
6. a drag race.
7. informal, chiefly N. Amer. a street or road: the main drag.
8. historical a private vehicle like a stagecoach, drawn by four horses.
9. an apparatus for dredging or for recovering objects from the bottom of water.
10. historical a harrow used for breaking up the surface of land.
11. archaic an iron shoe applied as a brake to a wheel.
12. N. Amer. informal influence over other people.
13. a strong-smelling lure drawn before hounds as a substitute for a fox.
14. Music (in drumming) a basic pattern consisting of a stroke preceded by two grace notes played with the other stick.
drag one's feet
1. walk wearily or with difficulty.
2. (also drag one's heels) be deliberately slow to act.
ME: from OE dragan or ON draga 'to draw'.
The Drag (film)         
The Drag is a 1966 Canada anti-smoking animated short, animated and directed by Carlos Marchiori and produced by Robert Verrall and Wolf Koenig for the National Film Board of Canada. Aimed at young people, the 8 min.
Drag (Red Aunts album)         
Drag is the first full-length album by the Red Aunts. It was released in 1993 on Sympathy for the Record Industry.
Drag (band)         
Drag are an Australian rock band led by Darren Middleton, most known as the lead guitarist from rock group Powderfinger.



Drag or The Drag may refer to: